super base
super base

Introducing SuperBASE

Super Base combines the rebasing concept, auto liquidity generation and the big brained RFI tech by taking a 10% fee on every uniswap sell. That fee is broken up into 2 parts:

  1. Reflection — 5% of the fee is distributed to every wallet that holds SBASE on a percentage basis. The more SBASE you hold the more tokens you will receive.

  2. LP Generation — with remaining 5%; 2.5% of the fee collected in SBASE is sold into ETH; that ETH is married up with the remaining 2.5% of SBASE and deposited back into the uniswap liquidity pool.

uniswap logo
uniSwap 10% Fee Breakdown


What makes SuperBASE special:

Rebase Mechanism

5% rebase occurs every hour if price is above peg, that means holders get 5% extra tokens every hour if price is above peg

No negative rebase.

Dynamic Peg

Peg price increases by 50% after two back to back rebase.

Peg price decreases by 20% after two hours of no rebase.

Auto-Liquidity Generation

3.75% of the sell fees collected from sellers are paired with ETH to generate liquidity pool tokens, which are locked forever in the contract.

Friction-less Yield

Holders earn passive rewards 0f 5% of the sell fees through reflection as they watch their balance of SuperBase grow indefinitely.

Advance Burn Reaction

The supply of SBASE is also deflationary where 1.25% of Super BASE token collected from sell fees is burnt through sell fees.

SBASE Tokenomics

Token Name → Super Base

Token Symbol → SBASE

Total Supply → 6,700,000

Private Sale → 468, 750 (7%)

Presale → 2,638,910 (40%)

Liquidity → 2,750,000

Marketing → 486,000

Team → 356,340

To Be Burnt → 1,825,700

Initial Market Cap → $383k

Presale Details

Date - 2nd of May, 12:00 PM
80 ETH

Private Sale:
10 ETH (1 ETH = 31,250 SBASE)

Min & Max buy per wallet:

Public Sale:
70 ETH (1 ETH = 27,778 SBASE)

Min buy per wallet:

Max buy per wallet: